Turning Photo into Stylish Line Drawing
Line art is a style of visual expression that utilizes simple lines to convey shape, form, and detail, often resulting in minimalist yet impactful illustrations. Whether you seek a personalized touch for your home decor, a striking line drawing for your business, or a distinct illustration for your project, crafting an elegant line drawing from your photos is an excellent idea. In this tutorial, we will learn how to do it in a few easy steps.
You might be thinking, “How is that possible?! Do I need a digital artist?” Well, it is easier than you think. PortraitArt aims to streamline and democratize personalized art for everyone. It specializes in transforming photos into different art styles, including line drawing. It is extremely easy to use.
Here are the steps:
- Load your photo: Select a portrait photo from your computer or mobile device.
- Choose “Line Art” style from a list of more than 15 art styles.
If you are not satisfied the results, you can click on the "🎲 Resample" button (or the "Line Art" button from the style list) to generate another sample.